(Occasionally) Useful Web Tools For Android Developers
In my not-so-long career as an Android Developer, I have worked on completely different projects: 10 year old Java apps, glossy bleeding edge AI assistants and many other in between. To cut a long story short, below is a list of websites/web tools I have used so far, with descriptions and use cases they help me solve. You may not need them now, but I recommend saving them just in case.
Disclaimer! This is a list of tools, not online resources for Android Developers.
Use cases:
Fix icon: alignment, path and so on
Split icon, e.g. for tinting in different colors
Link: SvgPathEditor
Text Compare!
Comparing expected to actual, e.g. in unit tests.
Link: Text Compare!
Whenever you need an app icon.
Link: IconKitchen
Room SQLite Difference Finder
Comparison of expected and actual Room table schemes.
Link: Room SQLite Difference Finder
Testing various network exception handling.
Link: badssl.com
API Levels
Use cases:
Approximately API level distribution across users
Version - SDK level - Version code mapping
Link: API Levels
Perfetto UI
Trace profiling, useful for some thread/load related bug investigation.
Link: Perfetto UI
Bringing order to the SQL query mess we sometimes create.
Found an abandoned library you REALLY want to use? Use this tool, you might not be alone in your wishes.
Link: GitPop3
Kotlin Flow operators visualized. It's nice to refresh what you need to know.
Link: FlowMarbles
Kotlin Playground
Ideal solution for testing Kotlin code in an isolated environment.
Link: Kotlin Playground
tldr inBrowser
An easy and fast way to find documentation for a huge number of console commands. Gradle, git, Docker - whatever you need.
Link: tldr inBrowser
This tool allows you to search for other developers' implementations, solutions and API/SDK usage. No need to reinvent the wheel.
Link: grep
Material Theme Builder
Choose a nice theme
Export theme to code
Use theme
Link: Material Theme Builder
D2 Playground
Fast diagram creation with simple syntax.
Link: D2 Playground
RTSP Stream
I don't know why can you need a test RSTP stream. But I have mine here.
Link: RTSP Stream
I hope you find it useful! Feel free to contact me if you think I have missed anything important.